
How to Effectively Convert Loyal Customers into Brand Advocates


What is a Brand Advocate?

A brand advocate is a customer so convinced about a brand’s quality and value that they start recommending the brand to their personal contacts. 

In most cases, a brand advocate has personally used a brand’s products and found them so enjoyable or such good value that they want to share the brand with their friends, family, strangers, and social networks. They earnestly believe that everyone should try out the brand’s products.

A brand advocate almost always has an unpaid, informal, and completely organic relationship with the brand. There are no cash payments and no contracts. If brand advocates receive any ‘payment’ at all, it’s through rewards, discounts, and free products. Micro-influencing, on the other hand, is always a paid relationship, and the influencer doesn’t need to have a genuine personal relationship with the brand to promote on their social channels. 

Brand advocates are perceived as far more trustworthy than influencers. 92% of consumers report trusting a brand advocate, while only 18% said the same about influencers. 

Benefits of Brand Advocates?

Brand advocates are a marketing force to be reckoned with. Word-of-mouth is a powerful motivator and can increase customer acquisition. Better yet, it’s free marketing. The more advocates a brand has, the more significant the impact. Brand advocacy can induce rapid brand growth with little to no investment costs from the company itself. A good example of the power of brand advocacy is Krispy Kreme, a donut company and coffee chain with over 300 stores in the U.S., which was built almost exclusively off word-of-mouth

Increase Brand Visibility

There’s something about personal recommendations that stick with consumers more than other forms of marketing. When consumers hear a glowing review about a brand that their friend loves, they are far more likely to remember that conversation the next time they make a related purchase. 

Grow the Customer Base

When first-time customers purchase from a brand based on an advocate’s recommendation, they are primed to positively view the brand and its products. Consumers trust their friends and family more than marketing campaigns or micro-influencer ads. 

So when an advocate has great things to say about a brand, the new customer is already thinking along similar lines when they receive their first product. These first-time customers are more likely to view the product favorably and can be converted to recurring customers after a single purchase. 

Converting Loyal Customers into Advocates 

Not everyone is willing to upsell a brand and its products within their social circles. Yet CPG brands can utilize some practical strategies to encourage loyal customers to share their experiences with others. 

Deliver Excellent Service

The number one way to turn happy customers into avid advocates is through excellent customer service. When a loyal customer reaches out about a problem with an order, whether it’s a quality issue, shipping issue, or something else, prioritize their experience. Ensure your customer service representatives place value on solving customer problems. 

Some CPG brands ‘argue’ with customers about potential refunds or replacements. Instead, brands should go above and beyond to rectify mistakes or customer concerns. This might mean spending more to send complementary products or approve refunds.

Offer Referral Rewards

A referral (or affiliate) program is centered on word-of-mouth marketing. Brands that offer referral programs can incentivize loyal customers to share their positive experiences with others in the hopes of racking up points and earning rewards. Customers gained through referrals have a 37% higher retention rate than other newly acquired customers.

Different customers are motivated by different kinds of rewards, so variety in a referral program is key to increase participation. 

Set up Pipeline for Reviews

Roughly 95% of all shoppers check reviews before making a purchase. Consumers want to know what they are getting before it arrives. They want to ensure they are receiving a quality product that is worth its price. Positive reviews can be a major launching point regarding revenue and new customer acquisition. 

Brands can increase the number of 5-star reviews with a targeted approach. Reach out to loyal customers to encourage them to leave a review in exchange for a discount or free item. There’s a higher chance these customers will leave a positive review because they clearly already enjoy the brand’s products. 

Target Brand Mentions

Brand mentions pop up all over social media. For example, when someone asks for a recommendation for the best lip liner or pie crust, another consumer will share their experiences with a specific brand. Brand mentions are powerful motivators for consumers, driving potential customers to check out the brand’s product offerings. 

CPG brands can use monitoring apps to track brand mentions and identify customers that leave positive reviews. Then the brand can reward the customer for their unprompted advocacy with rewards or special offers. 

How Abrio Encourages Brand Advocacy

Abrio helps brands to increase rates of brand advocacy by rewarding loyal customers. Abrio’s platform enables brands to easily structure loyalty programs in their marketing campaigns to reward customers who share brand information and recommendations with others.

For example, loyal customers can share stories, product images, and coupons on social media or through text/messaging. Both parties get rewarded when friends, family, or followers use the link to make a purchase. It’s a way to encourage brand advocacy authentically.